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Booking a Session

I am offering a series of three-hour meditation classes based around the exploration of perception. These meditation classes are founded on teachings from traditional Buddhist practices using colors and postures. These classes allow participants to experience moments of pure perception, where the egoic grip is lessened, allowing for better self regulation and awareness of one's habitual patterns. These classes can help with relationships, transitions, burnout, and a better sense of self. 

Each class can be taken on its own, or as a complete series. Compassionate Rolfing is planning on offering these classes on a continuous basis.

Class one is Padma. Red in color, this class can help participants feel more grounded and have a better connection to their inner world. This is a great class for people who feel trapped in codependency. 


Class two is Ratna. Yellow in color, this class can help participants feel safer, with a sense of abundance. This is a great class for people trying to move beyond their situations.

Class three is Vajra. Blue in color, this class can help participants feel less intellectual and more embodied. This is a great class for people struggling with anxiety and overthinking. 

Class four is Karma. Green in color, this class can help with people who have a tendency to do too much and are always on the go. This is great for people wanting to rest and find work/life balance.

Class five is Space. White in color, this class is about relating to space. This is a good class for people who are spacey and have trouble following through with plans. 

The current class offerings are: 
Padma: Saturday, September 2nd from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at The Primrose Studio, 4300 Michaud Lane, Fort Collins, CO 80521
Ratna: Saturday, November 4th, from ​1:00 PM to 4:00 PM at The Primrose Studio, 4300 Michaud Lane, Fort Collins, CO 80521
Vajra: To Be Announced
Karma: To Be Announced
Space: To Be Announced

Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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